The mission of Linking Learning to Life is to engage youth
in diverse community based learning opportunities that improve their educational performance and career prospects to prepare them for a lifetime of success.
We envision a community in which all youth are engaged, inspired, and equipped to achieve their career and educational aspirations. We foresee all members of the community valuing and nurturing youth in the process, thus assuring the educational, economic, and social vitality of the whole community.
Career opportunities are continually shifting and good jobs require high levels of academic, technical, and social skills. Students learn best by doing. They are motivated to learn when they can see and understand how academic knowledge is applied. By helping young people think about and prepare for their future, their ability to pursue meaningful careers that are both economically rewarding and personally fulfilling is strengthened. This results in a stronger work force and effective educational systems that benefit the entire community.
Linking Learning to Life is a non-profit organization that develops and manages a
wide range of programs and services that help K-12 students prepare for life after high school, especially related to careers and continuing education. The organization plays a critical role of connecting schools with businesses, colleges, and other community organizations to create exciting student learning opportunities. The organization is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of educator, employer and community partner leaders. A committed and talented Staff carries out the work of the organization.
Linking Learning to Life began in October 1997 as a partnership of the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce, the Burlington School District , and the University of Vermont. Its initial charge was to develop school-to-career opportunities for all students within the Burlington school system. Along a similar timeline, the Lake Champlain Regional School-to-Work Collaborative, managed by the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber, was developing career related programs and services with other schools throughout the rest of Chittenden County.
In October of 2002 these organizations merged to form Linking Learning to Life, Inc., a non-profit dedicated to continuing and expanding school-to-career opportunities for K-12 youth in the region. Currently Linking Learning to Life engages over 3,000 students per year across Chittenden County. Another 3,000 are involved statewide through the Learn to Earn Program.
Please Contact Us with questions or Click Here to see our complete list of current Programs and Services.
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Linking Learning to Life is a founding member of INET, a consortium of school-to-career and workforce development organizations across the United States.
LINKING LEARNING TO LIFE 52 Institute Road, Burlington, VT 05401 Ph: 802 951-8845 | Fax: 802 951-8851