College Connections


Program Description:
College Connections offers students in grades 10-12 from Chittenden County and students from

alternative programs, options for exploring post secondary education prior to

graduation. Students enrolling in the program take college courses at all six of the area colleges and earn both high school and college credit for successful completion. The program includes an orientation to college studies as well as academic advising and other supports that students may need. College Connections is offered during after school hours and is not intended to replace existing high school courses.

Connections is offered during after school hours and is not intended to replace existing high school courses.

The program was developed by an advisory group of youth, high school & college educators, local agency representatives and Linking Learning to Life staff. Fourteen students enrolled in an initial pilot course during the summer 1998 at the Community College of Vermont. Students can now also enroll in courses at the University of Vermont, Burlington College, Saint Michael’s College, and Champlain College through the program. College Connections is supported in part with grants from the GE College Bound Fund and the Vermont Student Assistance Corporation. The program also incorporates a matched college savings IDA (Individual Development Account) program. This program component, a partnership with the Vermont Development Credit Union, enables some students to save toward college and receive a 2:1 match upon graduation and successful program completion.

“I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do…I took physics and absolutely loved it and from there I took pre-calc at CCV and then calc at UVM…yes it is absolutely amazing, it completely changed my career goals.”- High School Student

Why is it Important?
National and local data indicate that students who do not move immediately into post secondary education tend to delay entry for as much as 10-12 years if they enroll at all. At the same time, the academic requirements for quality jobs are steadily increasing. There is also a clear correlation between levels of academic achievement and earnings. Those with a high school diploma earn significantly less than those with a college degree.

Who Does it Benefit?
Students: While College Connections is open to all students, it is particularly designed to benefit students who may not see themselves as college bound, students who want to experience a college setting, and students with diverse barriers to pursuing a college education. The program is also available to out-of-school youth who are working toward some form of high school completion.

For More Information:
Please email Dhyana Bradley, College Connections Coordinator or Ande Tagliamonte, Career Directions Center Specialist or call (802) 865-5320 or fax (802) 951-8851. Please Click Here for a printable application form and bring or send completed applications to the Career Direction Center at Burlington High School, 52 Institute Road, Burlington, VT 05401.

College Partners:

  • University of Vermont
  • Community College of Vermont
  • Champlain College
  • Vermont Technical College
  • Burlington College
  • Saint Michael’s College

LINKING LEARNING TO LIFE   52 Institute Road, Burlington, VT 05401   Ph: 802 951-8845 | Fax: 802 951-8851