Training, Interns & Partnering For Success


Program Description

The purpose of the Training Interns & Partnering for Success (TIPS) program is to give students the opportunity to learn and develop pre-employment skills, participate in an internship in a community business or organization for high school credit and secure employment related to their training.

There are three components to the program. During the first six weeks students develop pre-employment skills in areas such as team building, interviewing, resume writing and cover letter development, customer service and understanding employer expectations.

Students who successfully complete the pre-employment skills training are eligible to participate in the second component – an on-site internship with a local employer. The internship includes worksite specific training under the close supervision of the employer.

The third component of the program involves competitive employment with the internship employer or related business following program graduation. Participants who successfully complete pre-employment skills training and internships are considered for employment. Program partners will make decisions regarding competitive employment opportunities. Students are not guaranteed a job at their internship placement, however Linking Learning to Life is committed to helping successful graduates of the program find competitive employment that puts their newly acquired skills to the test.

Why is it Important?

Many students leave high school without the necessary skills to successfully enter the workforce. The combination of pre-employment skills training and an internship experience addresses this problem by extending the walls of the classroom to include the whole community, giving students hands on experiences and opportunities to apply academic skills in the workplace. Internships are an integral part of a student’s transition into life after high school and supports movement through stages of career awareness, exploration, and application.

Who Does it Benefit?

Students are provided with opportunities to apply classroom learning, establish clear connections between education and work, explore possible careers, practice positive work habits and attitudes, and increase their motivation to stay in school.

Employers help create a pool of skilled and motivated potential employees, reduce training/recruiting costs, and directly engage in the teaching and learning process.

For More Information

Please email Glenn Patterson at [email protected], Student Outreach Specialist or call (802) 540-0952.

LINKING LEARNING TO LIFE   52 Institute Road, Burlington, VT 05401   Ph: 802 951-8845 | Fax: 802 951-8851